welcome to my photoblog - here is where i post some of my recent photographs so clients can have a sneak peak.... and also where i post some of my favourites from the past!  thanks for visiting and please feel free to leave a comment! 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

zeus and his family

the other day mason and i, together with jaclyn and reaghan, made our way out to bunsen lake to visit with the s's.  they have a new addition to their family - puppy zeus.  we had a great time and everyone got a kick out of mason.  mason is in a phase where he comments on things... for example, here are some of his comments from that afternoon ...
"reaghan, i like your shoes".  to billy.. "i like your ball"  the other day i put on a t-shirt and he said "cute shirt, mom".  too funny.
billy was doing fancy footwork with his soccer ball.. so of course mason had to imitate.  pretty funny.. these are the times that a video recorder would come in handy!

ok ok, i know mason isn't part of zeus' family, but loved this shot of him throwing stones in the lake.  i showed him this photo this morning and said "look at you throwing rocks".  he said... "mommy, i'm not throwing rocks.  I'm playing baseball."

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