welcome to my photoblog - here is where i post some of my recent photographs so clients can have a sneak peak.... and also where i post some of my favourites from the past!  thanks for visiting and please feel free to leave a comment! 

Monday, April 27, 2009

hmmmm hmmmm, i love tulips

that was sung to the turtle song (you know, the chocolates...) am i aging myself?
are you wondering who bought me these beautiful pink tulips?  No, not Simon.  Me, I bought them for myself.  Needed a "pick-me-up" today after spending most of the the night last night awake and comforting a coughing and puking little boy.  Yes, Mason who was the one suffering needs a "pick-me-up" too, but thats besides the point.  He got some good ole Mama lovin.

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